I'm falling,
To fall I do not feel desire of,
Behind a raindrop,
And I can not see how close I am to the ground,
Unable to even feel the air,
That when I think I have caught it,
It escapes me, it slips away in time,
The eternal and irreversible time,
At my side I look at the other raindrops,
And behind them others,
Which watch me with sleeplessness,
And about something I do not understand,
They warn me with suspicion,
More and more I feel falling,
And it seems like an endless fall,
An everyday fall,
For instants I feel I rise up,
I think to sleep,
I feel to feel,
I fall to fall,
I sleep falling,
I fall feeling,
But today,
Irremediably I contradict my first feeling,
Today I know I'm falling,
And with fervent desire,
With the raindrops by my side,
I wish to fall on her lips...
I'm falling, I'm falling, falling...

Author: Jairo Ramírez.


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